Mobile Software Engineering

2007-10-30 by tamberg

Understanding C# Access Modifiers

Information hiding is essential in object oriented as well as in modular programming. C# provides the access modifiers private, internal, public, protected and protected internal to give a programmer fine grained control over the visibility of a member in a specific context. Those contexts are namespace, class, struct, interface and enum. A member would be e.g. a field, an event, a delegate, property or method. But, as Marc's table shows, this does not really matter. A member's context alone determines if a modifier can be applied at all (□), and which modifier is the default (■).

namespace class struct interface enum
public ■* ■*
protected internal

*) Because members of interface and enum are always public by default, the modifier must not be applied in those contexts.

The individual access modifiers are defined in the C# Language Specification as

private Access limited to the containing type
internal Access limited to this program
public Access not limited
protected Access limited to the containing class or types derived from the containing class
protected internal Access limited to this program or types derived from the containing class

Note: the term this program can be replaced by the containing assembly.